
Thursday 11 February 2021

Level two - Art - Portfolio

In another year of Art, we are starting to develop ideas for our portfolios for this year. This year my focus is design. Because I chose this, it requires creating a company incorporating the concept I thought. After figuring out what my company will represent, I have to make a couple of things, such as a poster, a logo, and a website. When I choose these designs, I need to be careful because they need to fill up 2-panel boards.

Here is my mood board showing the type of art I am inspired by. 

For my first board, I have created a series of developed designs as a start to my company's creation.

I created the color palette that I'm going to work with and began to play around with some images to connect with my company name. As I played around with the images I merged them together and developed them into combined artwork. I soon found the combination I liked that worked well with the name and began playing around with the placement of wording and coloring. 
Update: 30/9/21
My original idea was to do an awareness campaign about diversity but because that was such a wide subject I narrowed it down as a campaign similar to #NotAskingForIt. I kept my logo the same as what I was making in the beginning. 

My next step was developing posters. I was first taking poster ideas that were found in a book and altering them to fit my type of theme. I then developed some of the old work I was doing last year and created a poster with that. 

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