
Monday 14 September 2020

Formal Writing - Mobile Phones

 Mobile phones control people’s lives. 

Are you aware of how often people use their phones during their lifetime? Mobile phones presently are taking over the lives of this generation. They’re easily addictive, they cause heightened levels of danger, and the device is known for developing health problems. However, they are beneficial for some cases with a variety of applications installed in the device. 

As mobile phones represent the need in this generation, they do more harm than good. The point behind that is they can cause horrific injury if used in inappropriate situations. For instance, in New Zealand, between 2014 and 2016, 216 drivers in fatal or injury crashes contributed to the crash by being distracted by a cell phone. In the United States, 94% of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admit they do it anyway. Many teens and other ages are losing their lives to these portable handheld devices. By just one glance at your phone, if it’s just texting, checking the time, or replying to someone; you are risking the lives of yourself, your passengers, and your loved ones around you.

Mobile phones are also known to be one of the most typical ways to cure boredom at your fingertips, but sometimes it can become unstoppable. For example, Statistics show that the estimated number of mobile users is around 4.8 billion people in 2020 worldwide. As mobile phones can contain multiple apps, games, and tools, though it’s not the cellphone itself that is addicting; it’s what can be accessed that captivates people to be so hooked. As checking your phone is included in your daily routine, it constantly becomes an excessive habit which creates that urge to continuously check their mobile phone, primarily social media. As people are growing further addicted to their phones each day, it enhances the risks of the lives of all ages incredibly. Phones are one of the top 5 most dangerous distractions, particularly when driving. 

With many individuals using cell-phones every day for longer than they should be, it increases the risk of any health issues that could be long term or short term. For instance, it’s believed the average age for an individual to have their first mobile phone to be around 10. It is surprisingly old as this generation produces more innovative technology that all children want these days. Since more and more people are on their phones for longer periods each day, it exposes them to unfortunate events and situations which affect their well-being. Situations like being cyberbullied. On a more serious note, people on social media platforms who are categorized as influencing don't affect people the way they want to. Teenagers react harshly to certain posts including appearance requirements that they don't meet. Because of this, it is causing those affected to tap into their depressive, anxious, or isolated state.

Although Technology suffers its unbelievable disadvantages, there’s more than meets the eye. They provide assets that include a torch or calculator, communication apps to keep in touch with friends and family, and immediate emergency service access. Phones provide unlimited access to emergency services anywhere you are. It is beneficial for those who are deserted somewhere with no service or if someones in a situation that involves burglary and in need to contact the police fast. Meanwhile, those who are addicted and inseparable to their phone are going to be safe if they are in need of any emergency help. 

There are many reasons to embrace technology, but we can’t ignore the consequences when operating them. Considering they are beneficial for a variety of tools and emergency contacts for if you find yourself in danger. If you find yourself on the hazardous side when using technology without care you're at risk for anything that could happen. This could lead to anything like Addiction, increased levels of danger, jeopardies, and mental health issues.

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