
Wednesday 9 September 2020

Static Image: Introduction and Basics

 Pin on 30.1/Design/Graphics + Typography


Find at least one visual text from the internet

Identify 5 statice images aspects and write a statement on what they are, give evidence from the static image, and then explain how they show the meaning

Visual Text: 

This advertisement is revealing the effects of nicotine smoking. It gives a visual warning to show us that if others were to continue smoking, damaging consequences can result in them. The black background gives a thought of death within the image. The involvement of the smoke grey ghost-like face taking most of the ad up to get the mysterious attention that shows pain and dullness within the person. The grey also represents the consequence and shows the hurt the victim could be experiencing from smoking. The ad isn't just overloaded with the harms of smoking, it provides the help that others can use to avoid being in this situation. 

Features described separately:

Color: The Poster is complete darkness behind the placed pictures to show the loneliness between the images and the text, isolating their pain to themself and with the words incorporated to this it provides help to ease the pain away. The smoke grey, ghost face expresses the pain that is coming from the victim. 

Shape, Proportion, Dominant Image: The face and the smoked ghost is the bigger picture in the ad to show it is the dominant image to catch those passing the poster, it centers the pain that smoking can cause.

Font: The bold Text in the ad does also takes part in the poster to get the message clear of the help provided within the ad to follow along with the pain enduring act. The quick line "Talk to us before it's too Late" catches the eyes of people as it is simple and easy to read within a minute, people do not have to stand around and read a paragraph of words. It's clear and gets the message across fast.


Continuing with Visual text description on images and describing 5 aspects of the image. 

List of aspects:




Human Figures








Static Image Ideas: 50+ ideas about visual metaphor, satirical  illustrations, wwii posters, and more

Visual Text:

This image seems to be representing how society can affect us and our thoughts. With the included hammer object hitting the circular image, it portrays the look of it smashing through the barrier of thoughts and invading their point of view for things. 

The proportion of the large hammer colliding with the head shows that the impact of the words is hitting hard against what the person had already believed and thought of the world and themselves. 

As the color is dull with a brown-grey background, shows that there is no happiness within the person anymore because of this. The meaning behind having white within the hammer could purely be because it contrasts from the grey and is easier to see but in my eyes, I have a feeling that it is showing the purity and innocence that the society thinks it is portraying and people are drawn into this but once it actually hits you it is filled with negativity. (Lettering)

(Layout, Viewpoint)  As we first look at the picture we instantly put our focus to the hammer shown, it takes our attention as it is the object that is in front of the person's face. The second thing that catches us is the hammer which is filled with blurbs of negativity, it's including words or objects that have been influencing those around and effecting their thoughts on how everything. However, the words within the person, which is filled with positivity and strength the person had, has now got broken thoughts. 

The symbolic hammer is showing the harsh reality of which the world has created, and even those with set minds can be broken down by the negativity hitting them deeply. 


  1. Hi Sam, you have worked to a very good extent and you are very clear on what you mean a good example of this is where you are mentioning the colour of the 2nd static image. Goodjob.

    1. Hey Liam, Thank you for the feedback and taking the time to comment on my blog. :)


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