
Thursday 30 November 2017

Festival of the arts

Today at Festival of the Arts Kaela, Neika and I were in the backfield so we could film me and Neika getting chased by kaela the clown. Next week we will be working on finishing our film and editing it as well.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Festival of the arts - Film making

We have decided that I will be the sausage and the schoolgirl, Kaela will be the clown and Neika will be the schoolgirl who gets eaten.
We painted the sausage and got some filming done today.
Kaela will also be dressed up as the clown today.

Next time we will, get some more filming done and try different editing tools.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Arts of science

Today I walked around to gather some stuff so I could make different kinds of colours from the rainbow. Mr stock had written down the colours from the rainbow to make out of things from nature.
So far I have made a brown from dirt with little grains of bark.

festival of the Arts -Update-

Today We got some footage done with the clown chasing neika or kaela. Another thing I got done was put some masking tape on the cardboard sausage and then all we will need to do is paint the sausage brown.

Thursday 16 November 2017

How to make make up

Arts of Science kete

Neika, kaela and I are going to make make up for our film.

We are going to make lipstick by using squished bugs and berries.

This is the makeup I am going to do on Kaela's face but I am gonna add some white face paint or foundation first to make her face white.
Image result for creepy clown makeup

Festival of the Arts

Kaela, Neika, and I have achieved making a sausage.
That Me behind the sausage.

The next steps are to paint the sausage and fix it up.
Neika is on the left and on the right is Kaela. 

Thursday 19 October 2017

Geologic time periods

Name them

Precambrian earliest
first organisms single called
later multifaceted organisms
Cambrian mya lots of different organisms
earliest animals with backbone
lots of carbon dioxide

Ordovician mya lots of animals without skeletons
early shellfish, trilobites nautilus starfish fish first green plants fungi end of ice

First advanced plants and fish with armour
more shellfish

Fri trees seeds
winged insect
First amphibians
some animals from earlier periods die out
Early sharks and large trees
Pushed into one big group Gondwanaland
and flies appear

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Why do we need to protect them?

What is the cause of the animal population decreasing in number?

What is being done to help them?

How successful is the help?

Pic- habit  food breeding

green peace

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Endangered species- Chatham island black robin

Chatham island Black Robin are

Definition: The black robin or The Chatham Island Robin is an endangered bird species from the Chatham Island off the east coast or new Zealand

What was wiping them Out: By 1900, The introduction of rats and cats following human settlement had wiped out the birds from everywhere apart from little Mangere Islands.When we introduced predators to the two islands where it presently survives is still a threat 
All black robins have the same weaknesses and strengths, stemming from the fact they have similar DNA. This means that a single disease could kill them.

How to help the black robin would be if you were to travel to the Chatham islands or transporting anything like food or livestock there, be careful that you don't accidentally introduce pest animals, plants or diseases. These might threaten the black robin or other rare endangered flora and fauna in the unique environment.

FACT: All of today's black robins are descended from the last breeding female, Old Blue. She was one of the longest-lived robins known, reaching 14 years old.

The story about how the Chatham Island black robin became endangered but then saved.

the total world population of Black Robins in 1980, And only one of them was a female.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Introduced species


  1. What does ''Introduced species'' mean?
  2. Why were they brought to NZ?
  3. Why have their numbers exploded?
  4. What after so they have on our native plants and animals?
  5. How is Doc trying to get rid of them?
  6. Choose two introduced species 
  7. write about how they are affecting our native forests 
  8. what control methods are being used 
  9. are these methods having any susses 


Wednesday 6 September 2017


Nuclear Disasters

  1. fukushima 
  2. Chernobyl 
What is fukushima? Fukushima was a great big earthquake of magnitude 9.0
When was Fukushima? at 2.46 pm Friday 11 March 2011
When was Chernobyl?
What is Chernobyl? Chernobyl is a nuclear power plant that took place in the northern Ukraine. 
Where was fukushima?
Where was Chernobyl?
Why is fukushima important?
Why is Chernobyl important?
What effect have they had on the areas around fukushima?
What effect have they had on the areas around Chernobyl?
What has been done to protect the surrounding areas from Chernobyl and radiation? 
What have we learnt from Chernobyl and Fukushima? 

Tuesday 5 September 2017


Today we did Gymnastics and it was fun because we were playing on the mat doing cartwheels, Forward roll, Backward roll and jumping forward and backwards on the beam.

Wednesday 23 August 2017


-On the ends of the bone that move across each
-Stops friction
-Acts as a shock absorber

Cartilage can be damaged by
- Heavy impact- injury
-wear- tear
-lack of movement
Damage results in the bones grinding as they rub up against each other.

What is the difference between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid

Osteoarthritis is a joint that is inflammation.It is a form of arthritis that is a breakdown and a loss of the cartilage of more then one or more joints. The cartilage is a protein substance that serves as a ''Cushion''

Cartilage is a protein substance that serves as a "cushion" between the bones of the joints. 

Osteoarthritis symptoms and signs include
-Swollen joints
-joint stiffness

Thursday 17 August 2017


How many bones has a baby? 270 bones 

How many bones have a bone got? 206

Structure of the long bone e.g femur 

Types of joint 

  • Hinge 
  • Ball and socket
  • Pivot Image result for hinge joints
  • Glinding 
  • Saddle 
  • Conyloid 
Whats at the end of moving joints? Cartilage

Thursday 10 August 2017

Friday 28 July 2017

Anatomy of me

What do these organs do?

Brain: Your brain is the boss of your body. It controls your every move.

Eyes: Your eyes help you see things and focus. Our eyes are just like cameras Our eyes focus on objects and when we blink its just like taking a photo.

Oesphagus: The Oesphagus Is a muscular tube attached to the throat. It helps keep the food you eat and drink from going threw your windpipe.

Lungs: Your lungs has a big part to play in your body it would have to be the second most important organ.




Large intestine:

Small Intestine:




Gall Bladder:





Here is a slide about the meanings of the four dimensions.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Quality blog comments

Today I used and watched this video and added some notes.
Here are my notes 

Food scientist

 icing sugar 6 t 
One teaspoon of Raro 
Quarter of a teaspoon of citric acid 
Quarter of a teaspoon of tartaric acid 
Quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda 

Ancient Egypt + Travel through time

Ancient Egypt Papyrus 

What is Papyrus?
Papyrus was used in helping in construction of the other artifacts, such as reed boats, Mats, rope, sandals and baskets.

Monday 24 July 2017


The purpose of warm ups 

prevent injuries 
relax mental and physical tension 
prepare physically and mentally for performance work
help you be more expressive with your body 

Drama games 
Bill and Ben 

Wednesday 28 June 2017

How to get water up hill?

Job: Agricultural soil specialist

your client wants to plant crops in a field 1.5 M above the local river. he needs to get water to this field and had no electricity to run a pump and no hose. He must start from scratch how he achieve this.

You will need to consider ancient history + an important person from back then Include pictures where appropriate.


he was born in Greek to the date of 287 BC and then died  212 BC

How would you make a Archimedes screw?

Other uses of the Archimedes screw?
Others uses for the Archimedes screw instead of gathering water you can use the Archimedes screw to gather seeds.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Christchurch Water

Christchurch storm water

  1. What is it? Since Christchurch is a flat city so it is very easy to get flooding in the city.  
  2. Where does it go?  
  3. What contaminates it? Storm water has little Pieces litter such as cans, cigarettes, Paper. There is also chemical pollution 
Christchurch waste water 
  1. What is it? Waste water is water that has been in use.
  2. Where does it go? Waste water,once you use water the water will go down some pipes which travel underground then travels to a sewage treatment plant at a sewage system.
  3. What contaminates it?
  • Where does Christchurch get its water?
  • How is it purified?
  • What pollutes our city water before we drink it?
  1. Where does Auckland's water supply from? Auckland gets there water from a dam located by hunua and waitakere ranges.
  2. What water bourne disease and parasites can we catch in nz? Giardia 
  3. What do they do to us? giardiasis is diarrheal disease caused by a parasite. 

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Forces and Motion:Marble run

At the top of the marble run Kinetic Energy and Gravity is posed on the marble At the gate, Then as you Push the piece that is in front  of the marble. Once you have Pushed  the piece the marble will go down and on to the ''S'' obstacle but then that is when Motion comes in as it goes down the marble meets the swirly obstacle. Air resistance comes in to slow the marble down.....

Careers in Science


Park ranger



Soil Scientist


Physics teacher

Power plant operator

Chemical teacher

Nuclear Monitoring Technologist
 Climate Change Analyst



Film and video Editor

Soil Scientist


Cartographer and  Photogrammetrist


 Audio and and Video Equipment Technician


Ship and boat Captain

Chemical Technician

Aviation Inspector


Sound Engineering Technician


Wednesday 17 May 2017

My Audience

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.

Isaac Newton

Who is he?
English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton, most famous for his law of gravitation, was instrumental in the scientific revolution of the 17th century.

What did he make?

how is this work related to forces?
The invention that Isaac Newton made was to do with Gravitation.

"G" Forces?
The g-force of an object is its accelerate relative to Free fall.

Why when do containers explode or implode?

Concorde vs cargo planes

Thursday 11 May 2017


What is Force?
Force is Power made from a physical action or Act of movement

What are the different types of forces?
Frictional Force 

Tension Force

Normal Force

Air Resistance Force

Applied Force

Spring Force

Electrical Force 

magnetic Force 

Which force does static electricity belong to?
Electrical Force 

Mass vs weight, What is the difference between Mass and Weight 

Mass is measured in kilograms or pounds. A one-liter volume of water has a mass of one kilogram. Weight is measured in newtons, the standard unit for force. A one-kilogram mass placed on a bench presses down on the bench with almost ten newtons of force.

Fantastic forces

  1. mental or moral strength or power.
  2. Friction and mass is very important as well. Firstly, a force is just a fancy word for push or pull, example: a man pushing a box, pushing is the force. All a force ever does is change the motion or speed of the object it is applied to. Secondly, there are two main types of forces, at a distance and contact forces.


Planes are cool 
There are four forces acting on an airplane in flight. These are thrust, drag, lift and weight(gravity). 1. THRUST.

Image result for f15 eagle jet fighter paper plane

coz this is shaped like a jet fighter and it look s better 
I got it off google 
size : Afour 
weight : Light 

Wednesday 10 May 2017

My Art Work

This is my painting of Ellesmere  

There is a blob of purple from a person in my class accidentally dropped some on my painting
I have rated my work as achieved 
I think I done good  

High Impacts


What is Force? strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.

In my words: Force is Power made from a physical action or Act of movement

Where does Force come in to my life?

Force is basically an everyday thing Because we move all the time.


What is the definition of Push? Exert force on (someone or something) in order to move them away from oneself.

In my words: A Physical motion on moving something from away from you.

Where does Push come into my life?

Push would be the same as pull.


What does pull mean? a force drawing someone or something in a particular direction.

In my words: Pull is a movement in your control 

Where does Pull come into my life?

Sometimes in my life I pull stuff like chairs.


What is friction? The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

In my words: Friction is a force that acts to stop the movement of two touching things.

Where does Friction come into my life?

Friction comes in a little bit wit my life.


Definition of Gravity? the force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass.

In my words: Gravity is a force that pulls objects down.

Where does Gravity come into my life?

Gravity is what keeps all of us alive and on the ground if we didn't have Gravity we would be floating around.

Air resistance

What is air resistance? Air resistance is the frictional force air exerts against a moving object. As an object moves, air resistance slows it down.

My words: Air resistance is the force that slows objects down as they are in the air like gravity.

Where does Air Resistance come into my life?

Air Resistance Doesn't really play a part in my life.

Potential energy

Definition Of Potential Energy: The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.

My Words: Potential energy is used in the item because the energy is ready yourself. 

Where does Potential Energy come into my life?

Potential Energy comes into my life not much but sometimes.

kinetic Energy

Definition: energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.

My words: Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion.

Where does Kinetic Energy come into my life?

Kinetic Energy doesn't really come into my life that much.

Balanced energy 

What does it mean: Balance forces are two forces acting in opposite directions on an object, and equal in size.

In my Words: Balanced Energy is something something that is stable.

Where  does Balanced Energy come into my life?

Balanced energy comes in all of the time because there there is balanced force when I walk and run. 

Unbalanced energy 

What does it mean: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. A force is a push or a pull. A force can give energy to an object causing the object to start moving, stop moving, or change its motion. Forces occur in pairs and can be either balanced or unbalanced.

In my words: Unbalanced Energy is an object that is not stable.

Where does Unbalanced energy  come into my life? 
Unbalanced Energy Doesn't quite come into my life its more balanced energy.


What does it mean: 

In my words: Accelerate means picking up speed.

Where does Accelerate come into my life? 
Accelerate comes in when I run.


What does it mean: The action or process of moving or being moved.

In my words: Motion is another word for moving because if something is moving it would be in motion.

Where does Motion come into my life?
Motion would be the same as force.

Static Electricity

What is Static Electricity:

When a plastic ruler/ pen is rubbed on wool it will attract hair and small pieces of paper.


Friday 5 May 2017


History >dates Where who

Since around 400 BC, The Chinese had a flying top that was used as a children's toy. The flying top was made from bamboo and used the same method of spinning wings to fly up in the air.The first practical helicopters were built by Frenchman Louis Breguet in 1935 and by German Henrich Focke in 1936.

On September 14,1939, the VS-30o,the world's first pratical helicopter, took flight at Stratford,Connecticut. Designed by Igor Sikorsky and built by the vought-Sikorsky Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation. 

Once a helicopter leaves the ground, it is acted upon by four aerodynamic forces; thrust, drag, lift and weight. Understanding how these forces work and knowing how to control them with the use of power and flight controls are essential to flight. [Figure 2-1] They are defined as follows:
  • Thrust—the forward force produced by the power plant/propeller or rotor. It opposes or overcomes the force of drag. As a general rule, it acts parallel to the longitudinal axis. However, this is not always the case, as explained later.
  • Drag—a rearward, retarding force caused by disruption of airflow by the wing, rotor, fuselage, and other protruding objects. Drag opposes thrust and acts rearward parallel to the relative wind.
  • Weight—the combined load of the aircraft itself, the crew, the fuel, and the cargo or baggage. Weight pulls the aircraft downward because of the force of gravity. It opposes lift and acts vertically downward through the aircraft’s center of gravity (CG).
  • Lift—opposes the downward force of weight, is produced by the dynamic effect of the air acting on the airfoil, and acts perpendicular to the flightpath through the center of lift.

Thrust- The forward force produced by the power plan/propeller or rotor.It opposes or overcomes the force of drag. As general rule, It acts parallel to the longitudinal axis.

We have tried to make a paper helicopter and as we did we used a long leg and a short leg they both went Anti-Clockwise, They both took around two seconds up from two metres high.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Exploring Blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.


Thursday 13 April 2017

How to make a plane

Aim: I want to find out how to make a good flying paper plane

Equipment: Paper

The way I made

  1. I folded it in half and then unfolded the paper
  2. Then i folded the top corners to the crease neatly 
  3. once i done that i folded it again down  
  4. and then do the following steps above and then it should look like that but then i fold the wings again 

The way my plane flew was successful and flew around 10 metres it curved slightly to the left and now I am going to see how far it would actually go.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Ways to identify dead bodies

-ID rg Driving license
-Finger prints
-Dental records
-DNA / Genetic fingerprinting unique to each people
-identify a dead body
-kids search

Sunday 26 March 2017

Blood Splatter Patterns

Forensics scientists use blood and blood splatter patterns to help solve crimes, especially violent ones.

Blood Splat

Today we played with fake blood.We used a knife,a hammer, a baseball bat and a Turky juice squeezer

Here is Evidence That I killed someone.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Forgrey - a copy

What things can be copied?


Why do people copy other peoples work?

To get payed and to be famous.

Thursday 9 March 2017



This is my Finger prints : NO SEALING MY FINGER PRINTS

What do police people use for finger prints?
By scanning your finger on a scanner

                                                        LOCARDS PRINCPLE

A  Locard speculated that every time you make contact with another person, place, or thing, it results in an exchange of physical materials. He believed that no matter where a criminal goes or what a criminal does, by coming into contact with things, a criminal can leave all sorts of evidence, including DNA, fingerprints, footprints, hair, skin cells, blood, bodily fluids, pieces of clothing, fibers and more. 

-Shoe prints
-Tools left behind
-fibre off clothing
-Broken fingernails
-Leave family member behind
 -licence plate
-Tyre tracks

Thursday 2 March 2017

How to write a report








Aim: What we want to find out

height -      number
136-140   1
141-145   2
146-150   1
151-155   4
156-160   8
162-165   7
166+        6

Discussion " the average height of 8mt students is (158-160) we regrets our hypothesis because the average is above.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Thursday 9 February 2017

Lab Rules

                                                                       LAB RULES 

  1. Always follow instructions
  2. Enter lab ONLY if your teacher is present 
  3.  Tie your long hair 
  4. Clean up your work area 
  5. Wear safety glasses 
  6. If you break something you replace it