
Thursday 25 July 2019

Critical Literacy-English

Salvation Army Winter Appeal 

Question 1
What does the author of this text want us to know?
The author wants us to know the struggles the families have and how everything due to pricing increasing is lowering their health needs, And how we can help.
Question 2
What is the text about? How do we know? 
The text from the Salvation Army article is about how the winter is affecting the families who are struggling and the statistics of the pricing of heating, lighting and power. We know this from the information that is shown clearly on the second page of the article.  

Question 3
Who would be most likely to read this text and why? 
Adults will be most likely to read this text since its around there type of thing and they are more able to help. Young adults could be interested as well if they are wanting to focus on helping others.