
Monday 27 May 2019


Valiant soldier or violent schemer at the beginning? Macbeth was a valiant soldier

Why is he obsessed with killing Banquo? (oh yeah, and Fleance too) He feared that Banquo suspected that Macbeth was the murderer of king Duncan so he had to get rid of Banquo to release the fear.

Has he completely lost it in the Banquet scene? (do you think the Ghost is real or imaginary?) Yes because he hallucinated Banquo in is vision after receiving the news that he was dead.
Visits the Witches for a second time. Why? How does he react? Because he needed to know if he was going to be killed and by who in the end fight, his reaction during the visit was fearless knowing the information that he gathered from the witches he thought he did not need to fear about.

How does he justify his decision to proceed down the path of evil? He continued down the path of evil because he already had the guilt from his first killing.

Friday 17 May 2019

Critical Literacy Matrix Questions

Outsiders novel:
How else could the text have been written?
From Johnny's point of view or Darry and could add extra characters such as Johnny's parents could be more involved in the text and mentioned a little more.

Who is missing from the text?
Johnny's parents or Ponyboy's parents before they died. if could be a little more interesting adding those characters.

What has been left out of the text?
They didn't mention why Johnny's parents acted way they did towards Johnny and the text didn't mention what dally was holding in or feeling after Johnny died.